5 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated

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5 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated

5 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated

5 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated
I have numerous people ask me all the time; “How do you stay so motivated?”  The simple answer to that question is that I love what I do.  But staying motivated isn’t always that simple.  In this post, I will talk about a few of the things I do to stay motivated, and hopefully you find them helpful as well.

The most important element of motivation is knowing “why” you do what you do.  If you understand your “why”, it’s much easier to put in place a plan that will allow you to succeed.  A good resource for finding your “why” is the book; “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek.  This book will change the way you view goal setting and help you find out what really lights your fire.

Keep your goals organized and always within sight.  One great tool I use to keep myself motivated is my monthly “I Did That List”.  At the beginning of each month, I set realistic monthly, weekly, and daily goals.  I do my best to make the goals realistic that way I can constantly see the progress I’m making.

Remember, it’s the little things that matter the most.  So take pride in your small accomplishments and celebrate every victory.  Way too often, people set unrealistic expectations and then beat themselves up when they don’t accomplish their lofty goals.  As a result, they are no longer motivated to pursue their dreams, or they start to believe they aren’t good enough.  Once you start to question your worth, motivation will start to be nonexistent.

If you find it hard to motivate yourself on a regular basis, you may want to try listening to podcasts or watching videos of motivational speakers.  People like Zig Ziglar, Eric Thomas and Les Brown all motivate me to be the best version of myself possible.

Most importantly, don’t focus on the end of the journey in the beginning because the things you learn along the way are what prepare you for what’s to come in the end.  True success isn’t about instant gratification.  There is no progress without struggle.

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Digital media problem solver dedicated to helping brands succeed online. Professionally, I have experience working as a content marketer, digital marketer, blogger, podcaster, and digital sales consultant. Currently, I'm the digital and social media specialist for the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association. I specialize in social media marketing, digital media, and digital advertising. Let's talk digital!

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